Monday, December 19, 2011

#reverbbroads11: Weekend Catch-Up

I'm participating in #ReverbBroads11, a month of blog prompts promised to be silly and reflective. I'm playing catch-up after a weekend of no-computer-ness (it was glorious) so this is the weekend's worth all in one. Pardon me - I talk fast.

Saturday, December 17:  Instead of a list of your favorite things, write a list of your least favorite things, e.g. Worst book you ever finished, the color you hate, bad songs, bad romances, bad recipes. (courtesy of Amy).
  • Least favorite Christmas song: A Baby Changes Everything (Faith Hill). I'm not even sure you can count it as a Christmas song (until you read the second-to-last stanza), but an Atlanta-based station plays it SO often, and the lyrics just irk me. Signifcantly. So much so that I turn the radio off every time the song comes on.
  • Least favorite color: I used to be able to flat out say orange and brown. However, I will say that while they're not my favorite, they have slightly inched their way into my closet and I will, on occasion, actually wear them in public. :)
  • Least favorite chore: (if you follow me on Twitter, you can guess this one based on yesterday's posts) laundry! Especially with having no washer/dryer at my apartment currently (one of the sacrifices I made to finding somewhere to live quickly), I absolutely despise going to the laundromat. I was in and out in under two hours yesterday and wanted to sing at the top of my lungs I was so excited. Just to avoid it as much as possible, I go probably once a month. Ugh. (Second to that is ironing... bluh)
  • Least favorite movie seen in theatres: Borat. Hands down. I actually went and saw it with my mother and aunt, of all people, and to my surprise, all three of us actually sat through the entire thing, but walked out at the end wondering why we sat through the entire show. We still don't know the answer.

Sunday, December 18: Who would you most like to meet and why? (courtesy of Dana).
I'm going to be seriously cheesy here, but it's the honest truth. I'd really like to meet my #sayr1 group-mates, Jeff & Kevin. Now that we're past that initial point of "Tell me about yourself..." we're planning half-marathons and running plans together! They're two really fantastic student affairs professionals that I'm glad to have been able to get connected with over the last few weeks. I hope, one day, our running plans will actually coincide to being able to run together as Team No-Name (or was it Team Run Like the Winded?) and continue cheering each other on. As Magical Mountain Man, Desert Dwelling Dude, and I (Snow Bunny Princess) have gotten to know each other, it's definitely helped fill a slight void in having some deep connections here and I am thankful for my Thursday evenings with them!
Love my Thursday evenings!

I think I'm caught up for the weekend. Monday coming soon!


  1. I was just complaining about Borat and the horrible follow up Bruno. Bruno was actually suprisingly worse. I didn't even finish it. Why do people find Sasha Baron Cohen funny?

  2. I never saw Bruno, solely based on my distaste for Borat! *shrug* Who knows.
