Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Rave Run: Angelus Oaks

Rave Run | Angelus Oaks, California

This past weekend, my 40 students and I headed out on a staff retreat up in the San Bernardino mountains, not far from my home or our campus. While I've looked into these mountains every day on my drive into campus, I've pondered for awhile the trails and miles of unexplored territory to go venture through. Aside from last summer's Big Bear rave run, I haven't run up here at all.

We stayed at the fabulous Alpine Meadows Retreat Center, nestled just outside the 200-person mountain town of Angelus Oaks. Early Saturday morning, three of my adventurous, runner women got up with me and ventured down the trail to the backside of the Center. The camp staff indicated that the route down to the creek and back would be "about a 5K round-trip."

From the top of camp. 
I haven't run many trails, clearly, aside from last summer's series,  but this 'trail' was 95% rocks and pinecones until about four-tenths of a mile past the sign above, where it actually branched out into a trail that was more of a... trail.

Where the actual trail starts - morning fog hanging in the valley.
From there, it was just over a half-mile to the bottom, where we stumbled upon the creek and gorgeousness. We could hear the water running from the top of the half-mile hill down, but actually finally running into it was just breathtaking. Especially considering California's drought, it was refreshing to actually see running water... and running plenty, at that.

We hung out at the creek for a bit, goofing off with some photos and group selfies, and decided that we needed to get moving to make our way back up in time for breakfast. It took us just under 20 minutes to walk almost the whole way back up (mind you, a mile uphill at 7200' feet), but we scrambled back to shower and change before breakfast. There was no better way to start our morning! 

For other trails and ventures around Angelus Oaks, check out the suggestions here! Further, Angelus Oaks really isn't all that far from Big Bear either, so you can head up that way into some higher elevation for more adventurous fun!

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