Monday, April 23, 2012

Dear Monday...

want to join? link up!

dear monday, you came a little too quick this time.

dear zooma womens half marathon crew, thanks for a beautiful race! those hills were a little more 'rolling' than i anticipated, but gorgeous nonetheless. and what a perfect day!
zooma womens half -- half marathon #2!
dear hand/thigh/knee, i'm sorry. i still don't know what happened at mile 4, but thanks for working with me and allowing me to do all 13.1.
dear family, 51 days until we cruise! excitement ahead! (who am i kidding? excitement already!)

dear molly, i'm really enjoying that you're sleeping in my bed again. i've come to the conclusion that that's why i've slept better the last 5 nights than i have the last two months. please stay cuddly and loving for awhile... my sleep depends on it.

dear body, please stop hating me soon. again, i'm really really sorry.

dear runners everywhere, recommendations for a good half marathon in ga/sc/tn for june or july? yes, i self-impose torture.

dear all, have a wonderful day!


  1. Congrats on your half marathon! That's awesome! :)

    Found you through the link-up!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! And thanks for the congrats! :)

  2. Hi Megan! I found you through the link up.

    Congratulations on the half! I'm currently convincing myself to work up to a half and my body kind of hates me too!
    {And I'm way jealous of your cruise in 51 days! So fun!}

    I look forward to reading more {and possibly harassing you with questions about running!}

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm so glad I've worked my way into some half races -- they're just the perfect challenge for now. Do you have one that you want to do, or just getting there first? :)

      Feel free to question - it makes me really think about what I'm doing. :)
