Monday, March 28, 2016

It's Ragnar Week!

Ragnar So Cal 2016

It's Ragnar week! I'm pretty much giddy - while the team has been coming together for a few months, it's like it's finally time to get my ish together and get ready for another ridiculous running adventure 
through Southern California. This is my fifth Ragnar, but only second time running So Cal:

So Cal (2014)
Napa (2014)
Del Sol (2015) <-- apparently I never got as far as writing a recap! 

I love Ragnar and everything about it basically. Run, eat, sleep?, repeat is pretty much the only way I'd like to spend a weekend! Even though it's my fifth, there are some new quirks to this Ragnar that I'm anticipating, but am stoked about. 

First of all, meet the team! We are mostly from our running club, IERC, who is fielding like 8 teams in So Cal this year, which is huge and awesome. We are team #SWAGNAR Strikes Back, a team reincarnated from a few team members from last year, just with a new theme, and a lot of us that are new to the Swagnar fam. 

  • Jacky, Nikkie, Jack, Kristine and John were part of #Swagnar last year.
  • Jacky, Nikkie and Darrell are also high school friends! 
  • I've gotten to know Nikkie through some races and Darrell through plenty of Mad T excursions at Disneyland. 
  • Carla's boyfriend is Juan.
  • Mayara's husband is Jesse. 
  • Darrell, Marco, Jesse and Juan are all Ragnar first-timers! They are in for an adventure of a lifetime, that's for sure! 
  • Mayara's also our speedy Boston-bound team member - woot! 
We've got a good team ahead and I am way excited for another venture down the coast. As runner 11, I'll be running about 22 miles, which is perfectly in line with where I need and want to be for OC training, so I'm pretty pumped about how that shaped up. 

Bring on the week of packing, laundry, re-packing, more packing, last-minute Amazon orders (yay Prime!), and getting our ish together on Thursday for an early morning start in Huntington Beach! We start at 5:30 am on Friday, and anticipate a mid-afternoon finish on Saturday afternoon.

Follow the team along at #SWAGNARstrikesback  + cheer us along! Be sure to also follow me for all the in-between fun too: @runmeganrun // @__MeganJohnston // Run Megan Run

Who else is running Ragnar So Cal this year? Make sure you leave your team name and runner # so I can track you down! 


  1. This sounds awesome! I may be a tad jealous. I was supposed to run a Ragnar last fall but I had to drop out because my professor wouldn't move an exam for me (#GradSchoolProbs). I hope you all have a wonderful time. I can't wait to read about it after.

    1. Boo to that and #gradschoolprobs indeed! I'm pretty lucky, as this is my fifth, so I'm stoked for another and that I have a pretty flexible schedule that lets me (at least when it's not busy season). Make sure to follow on Insta for lots of fun!

  2. I give you Ragnar runners a whole lot of credit. My husband is one and loves it. While I, on the other hand, have absolutely no desire to participate. I suppose that's not a bad thing in a relationship right? I hope you have a blast as I"m sure you will!!

    1. They are a whole different ball game, that's for sure! :) I'm good with 1 a year (save for the year I did two for a bonus medal), but it's a nice change of pace to run as a team! :)
