Monday, May 9, 2016

Weekly Workout Recap #18: Recovery Week

May 1 - 7

Recovery week... the second best week of the year, only after race week! Sometimes it's nice to just totally back off. Sometimes I want to go out for an easy run (like after Phoenix), and sometimes you just want to do abso-freaking-lutely nothing. This week, I bounced back and forth between the two. I ate like crap. I partially enjoyed that, partially felt guilty. And then I decided I deserved it, so whatever.

Much like my race recap said, I'm still very much reveling in what I accomplished on last Sunday. While my ultimate A goal wasn't achieved (so yes, it's still a secret), I beyond destroyed my B goal and for that, I couldn't be more stoked.

Needless to say, I think I enjoyed my recovery week. Next up isn't a whole lot of anything, so running easy, enjoying the run and cutting myself a little slack because after all, I did just run two fulls in nine weeks. Booyah.

Sunday |OC Marathon
We hung out for a little after OC, and then headed home for a little post-race ice bath, shower, and nap before we headed out to a wedding venue appointment. I enjoyed my first alcoholic beverage in three weeks, opened courtesy of my new Double Dog Dare tag (DUH):

We headed out for our appointment, stopped for some totally necessary tater tots at Sonic, and upon spending too much time in line for gas at Costco, were going to be a little bit late for our appointment. I called, finally got a hold of someone, said we'd be there about 5:45 (we had a 5:30 appontment), only to find out that they close at 6, so a 5:45 wouldn't really work. Sad face. At this point, we were more than halfway to Disneyland, so my awesome quick-thinking fiance said, "Well then let's just go to Disneyland to celebrate a PR!" He knows me so well.

And so we did. Yes, I wore my medal, and yes mandatory I'm Celebrating button to commemorate such a freaking awesome day. Two drinks + a giant Ghiradelli sundae at Disneyland in two hours and then home. Is there any better way to celebrate? I think not. We were home and I was passed out before 10. All in a day's work.

Oh, you know....

26.52 miles, 4:19:20, 9:54 pace. HELL YES.

Monday | Rest
The day after a marathon is the best, isn't it? Totally guilt-free day of rest. Only the  more I sat, the more I hurt, but walking wasn't quite enjoyable yet. My shoulders started to hurt the worst, so I knew that I definitely had lost my posture when I got tired at some point in the race. When I got home, I rolled out some to try and work it out, and then took Molly out to the park for an afternoon in the sun.

Rest, foam roll + stretch 

Tuesday | 20 minute walk
I took Molly out again to the park after work. I really wanted just to walk around the neighborhood, but figured it was so nice out, I needed to take advantage of the extended daylight we have now and ler her get her energy out too. I walked laps around the park for awhile while she played and rolled around. Success.

Walk, 14 minutes, 0.7 miles 

Wednesday | 20 minute walk + yoga
You know what I've never really thought before? Walking is really nice! It's so relaxing. And chill. And an easy way to burn the pup out before I drop her off and head out to yoga! Molly and I headed out for a quick lap around the neighborhood just in time for me to sit for 15 minutes before heading to Fleet Feet. I could tell I was body tired, but wasn't sore... until yoga. Then it all went downhill from there! Stretching my toes? Forget about it. Quads? Hurts oh so good!

Photo: Veronica.
Walk, 24 minutes, 1.34 miles
60 minutes yoga

Thursday | Rest
Aaaaah rest days. I had all these grandiose plans to be super life productive on Thursday evening after work, but after running two quick errrands, I was home about 6:30 with a massive headache. Thought I'd lay down for a nap and then found Doug waking me up when he got home from football two hours later. Oops.

I guess I needed it?

Total and complete rest day. 

Friday | 30 minute walk
Happy end of the week! Doug and I both passed out on the couch early, woke up eventually, and then crawled into bed. Can you say wild Friday night?

Saturday | 3 miles easy
I was supposed to run 3 easy miles before mom and I headed out to Disneyland to volunteer all day, but after passing out on the couch on Friday night, that was the last I wanted to do. But it worked out because after being on our feet all day Saturday (a total of almost 5 miles walking), it kinda worked out and I was TIRED. Win-win.

Mom & me. She got introduced to the crazy that is RunDisney!
And that was all she wrote. Funny, unlike Phoenix, I'm not chomping at the bit to get out and run. I think because after Phoenix, I had OC to look forward to. And now (more on this this upcoming week), I don't have much to look forward to until fall, so I think mentally it's like I know I can take this break! But I still have mileage goals for the year that I'd like to hit and want to make that happen. Summer is my insane time of year, and I'd like to maintain some regularity in the upcoming months as that all comes down!

How was your week? Make sure you link up below!


  1. Mt. Charleston was so much fun but I wish I could take a break but first, #Fontana2SD!

    1. Dang! Get some lady! I wish I could do Fontana so badly. :( Womp. But I'll see you in San Diego!
